Online Training
LaStone JadeTherapy - online £129
An online workshop to harness the innate healing energy of jade to help both chronic and acute conditions.
We never stop researching, and Jade the dream stone or stone of heaven has revealed some wonderful science behind its healing potential. We have found the effects of using jade far outweighs any other stone we have used to aid the body to heal, relieve pain, move fluid and reduce discomfort.
Learn how to use the jade within a full body JadeTherapy massage using our bespoke cylinders to improve your treatments.
Ideal for the mobile therapist too.
Pre-requisite : Stone Therapy
Includes cylinders to use within the treatment.
When you click through to buy the course, select which kit you would like.
LaStone Hand & Arm Release - online £47
Are you / your clients struggling with over-use injury / tension in the hand and forearm? It’s a common problem and sadly ends many therapists’ careers.
This workshop aims to show you how to increase range of movement in the hand and forearm, ease pain, reduce the ache and extend your career as a therapist.
There are 7 Modules to complete with comprehensive demonstrations including tapping & correct application of cold stones.
At the end of this workshop you will be able to perform from a 5 - 30 minute treatment on your clients and yourself.